Community Polytechnic

The scheme of community polytechnic was started on 5-10-1995. This scheme is run by Ministry of Human Resources and development, India for rural development. Now it is runnig under name COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH POLYTECHNIC. In this scheme there are four areas:

  1. Manpower Development
  2. Technical Development
  3. Technical Support Services
  4. Transfer of Technology

This community polytechnic gives free of cost training in following trades:

  1. Electrician
  2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  3. Radio and T.V. Mechanic
  4. Cloth Painting and Oil Painting
  5. Bag Making

In ext center (for girls only)

  1. Fashion Designing
  2. Garment Making
  3. Cloth Painting and Oil Painting
  4. Bag Making

In technical services, the community polytechnic gives the maintenance of following things:

  1. Repair of Electrical Motors
  2. House Wiring Repair
  3. Bag Repairs
  4. A.C. and Ref. Repair
  5. Radio and T.V. Repair
  6. Electrical Goods Repair

In third phase, the community polytechnic gives the support in the following areas:

  1. Safe Drinking Water
  2. Electrification of Street Lights
  3. Youth Club
  4. Social Service Camp
  5. Smokeless Chullah
  6. Mushroom Cultivation

Beyond this the Community Polytechnic arranges the camps with different agencies like NABARD, KVK, NYK and other agencies for the help of people of rural areas.